Richard Crowther - UKSA
Richard is the chief engineer of the UK Space Agency and an alumnus of the University of Southampton. In 2013 he was appointed by the United Nations to its 15-member Group of Governmental Experts (GGEs) to define Transparency and Confidence Building Measures for Outer Space Security working out of the UN in New York and Geneva, and reporting to the General Assembly. He is Head of the UK Delegation to the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), and its Legal and Scientific and Technical Subcommittees. Until recently he was also Head, UK Delegation to ESA International Relations Committee, and he continues to act as Head, UK Delegation to the Inter-Agency Debris Coordination Committee (IADC). In April 2015, he became Chair of the IADC for 12 months, representing the IADC and its 13 member agencies. |
ESA Representative
ESA is active in space debris and NEO research. A representative from the agency will attend the workshop and present ESA’s perspective. |
NASA Representative
A representative of NASA’s Near Earth Object Program Office at JPL will present on the NASA NEO Program and its perspective on NEO search, warning and deflection.
Airbus DS Representative
Airbus DS has current activities addressing space debris. Their technical approach will be presented.
SSTL/Surrey Space Centre Representative
SSTL and Surrey Space Center are active on the mission side relating to space debris. A representative will present their technical insight.