Mark Haw is Lecturer in Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Strathclyde. His research looks at how the behaviour of matter on the nanoscale and microscale leads to behaviour on the more familiar everyday 'macro' scale: how do the nano/micoscale activities of molecules, particles and granules lead to material properties, the design of processes, features of the natural environment, and even how living things function. The research uses a range of techniques from microscopy and laser scattering/tweezing in the lab, to computer simulations. Mark has a degree in Physics with Astrophysics and a PhD in the physics of soft and colloidal matter. Mark’s experience in engaging the public with research includes a popular science book on the physics and history of Brownian motion to news and feature articles on topics as diverse as black holes and tuberculosis, as well as appearances at Café Scientifique and Famelab, and school lectures. Mark also heads up the University of Strathclyde's Public Engagement Group and has helped developed Strathclyde’s accredited Becoming an Engaging Researcher class aimed at PhD students and researchers at all stages of their careers.
Engaging the public—who, what, how and why?
With various examples I will show how engaging people outside of your immediate circle of expertise can have big benefits to your career and your research, not to mention be a lot of fun. ‘The public’ can mean a lot of things—so just who is your audience? There are many ways to ‘engage’—so what to do and how best to get started? And finally, why engage—how can it help you be a better researcher, get you more funds to do your research, and help everyone around you get more out of your results?