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Stardust Final Conference on Asteroids and Space Debris

Title of the Symposium: Orbit and Uncertainty Propagation (KePASSA)

Mini-Symposia on Orbit and Uncertainty Propagation at the Stardust Final Conference on Asteroids and Space Debris. The mini-symposia will be held on sessions on the 1st & 2nd November, 2016.

Following discussions between STARDUST and the KePASSA committee during the 2015 KePASSA conference hosted in Toulouse, STARDUST kindly suggested to the KePASSA committee to organize its 2016 event during the STARDUST final meeting. The 2016 event will continue the series of conferences initiated in Lille (France) in 2011, and followed by Logrogno (Spain) in 2014, and Toulouse (France) in 2015. A next KePASSA event scheduled in 2017 will be announced soon by the KePASSA committee through the new KePASSA mailing list (contact: [email protected]).

Topics to be covered by Mini-Symposium:

• Analytical and semi-analytical methods for long- and short-term propagation.
• High Earth Orbit and High Elliptical Orbit.
• Third body and time dependence in the analytical method.
• Resonances and chaos.
• Propagation of orbit uncertainties
• Regularized numerical integration.
• Lagrange planetary equations.
• Hamilton canonical equations.
• Special functions.
• Series expansions.
• Symbolic integration with software tools.
• Time series.
• Hybrid and statistical methods.
• Software packages for orbit propagation
• NEOs and planet crossers
• Orbit determinations and uncertainty
• Dynamical models and uncertainties
• Linear and non linear propagations
• Optimisation techniques

To point out what is new in 2016 compared to the last KePASSA meeting (, this list is the same as the one proposed by the KePASSA Committee and KePASSA 2015 SOC.

Exposition area:
An exposition area, next to the conference rooms, will be made available to interested industries, as well as research groups, to showcase their products and boost knowledge exchange activities. For info on space availability and costs contact the conference organizers at [email protected].

Important dates:
• 5th September 2016 (it was 31st July 2016): Extended abstract submissions
• 31st Oct – 4th Nov 2016: The Final Stardust Conference
• 1st & 2nd Nov 2016: Mini-Symposium on Orbit and Uncertainty Propagation

Virtual attendance:
Given the global nature of the asteroid and debris threat, institutions outside Europe can join in virtually through internet media. Please contact the organizers at [email protected] regarding the availability and functionality of this arrangement.

Accepted papers will be included in a book of proceedings to be published after the conference. Moreover, we are negotiating journal special issues to publish a selected set of paper. Note that in this case the papers will be subject to the usual revision process, and thus publication is not guaranteed.

• All conference attendees must register and pay the corresponding registration fee.
• For each accepted paper at least one registration as presenting author is required.
• The presenting author must register to ensure the inclusion of the paper in the Proceedings.
• More details on the registration are available at the registration page.

Info and Contacts:
Updated information can be found on Stardust website.
The organisers can be reached at: [email protected]  &  [email protected], as IMCCE is a member of STARDUST, and on behalf of the KePASSA committee.
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