Helene MA was born in Paris and has chinese origin. Currently, she is an Early Stage Researcher who works at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa. In 2012, she graduated as a general engineer from a school near Paris called ESILV (Ecole Superieure d'Ingenieurs Leonard de Vinci), where her professional experience was mainly linked to Aircraft field. During her studies, she worked as an assistant of Accidentology at ITA (Institut Technique d'Accidentologie), with the expert Robert Hazan, where she helped to reconstruct the vehicles accidents. But her goal was to work on Space field. Therefore, she was accepted at the school ISAE/SUPAERO (Institut Superieur de l'Aeronautique et de l'Espace) in Toulouse to attend one-year program on Space Systems Engineering (Advanced master program). Thanks to this program, she had the chance to browse various aspects of Space field intensively, and her wish to contribute on Space Debris issues started to come true during an internship on Active Debris Removal at Thales Alenia Space France.
Project description:
The project conducts a research on the correlation of space debris observations and collision avoidance. New correlation algorithms will be studied to determine preliminary orbits by using optical and radar observations. They will be compared to the existing methods. Methods for detecting possible collisions between pairs of satellites will be developed and tested. A filter chain will be defined using the evolution of the trajectories in order to select the pairs that need further investigation in the collision avoidance procedure. The results of this filtering algorithm will be compared with different evolution models.
Supervisor: Dr. Giovanni F. Gronchi and Prof. Andrea Milani Comparetti
Helene's Work