Important Dates

Abstract Submissions: 15 22 July 2016 (extended deadline)

Notification of acceptance:1 August 2016

Workshop Organisers

Prof. Dr. Oliver Schütze
Head of Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization Group
Computer Science Department
Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico

Prof. Massimiliano Vasile
Professor, Space System Engineering
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Dr. Annalisa Riccardi
Lecturer, Computational Intelligence
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK


Carlos A. Coello Coello
Computer Science Department
Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico City, Mexico

Carlos Artemio Coello Coello received a PhD in Computer Science from Tulane University (USA) in 1996. He is currently full professor with distinction at CINVESTAV-IPN in Mexico City, Mexico.
He has published over 400 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and conferences. His publications currently report over 31,800 citations, according to Google Scholar (his h-index is 69). He currently serves as associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Computational Optimization and Applications, Pattern Analysis and Applications, Journal of Heuristics, Evolutionary Computation and Applied Soft Computing.

Richard Bellingham
Director Strathclyde Institute of Future Cities
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, Scotland (UK)
Richard Bellingham  is Director for the Institute for Future Cities at University of Strathclyde, Senior Research Fellow in smart sustainable cities and energy policy, Fellow of the Energy Institute, former Deputy Director of Fraser of Allander Economic Research Institute and former Head of Energy Policy for Scottish Government.
The Institute for Future Cities aims to improve the quality of human life across the world through innovative research that enables cities to be understood in new ways, and develop novel approaches for the ways we live, work, learn and invest in cities. The Institute works in partnership with cities, business and government globally in areas such as sustainability, resilience, wellbeing, and smart cities
Richard contributed to Glasgow's successful £24 million TSB Future Cities Demonstrator Bid and is leading creation of the City Observatory.  The new City Observatory is drawing together urban data to allow cities to be seen in new ways and effective solutions created for urban issues. 
Richard wrote the Sustainable Glasgow strategy - working with city and businesses to develop low-carbon solutions to make Glasgow one of Europe’s most sustainable cities.  He is also European coordinator for the STEP UP EU programme – working with Glasgow, Gothenburg, Riga, and Ghent to create integrated urban sustainability plans.
Richard also has extensive experience of delivering large and complex ICT systems as Head of e-Government Policy, Head of Digital Inclusion and Head of Corporate ICT Strategy for the Scottish Government – and has over 15 years’ experience of advising Ministers in a wide range of policy areas, working with national and international organisations.

Scope and Motivation

In a world where information and communication technologies are pervading the perception and the experience of human living, cities are evolving towards a more functional scope, where the quality of life of their citizens and the quality of the services provided play a central role in their design and planning.
Cities are very dynamic environments, breeding place for innovation, opportunities and research but also sources of great challenges.  Some of the open questions are for example: how can cities become more resilient? How can you guarantee privacy ethic and security to their citizens? How can cities become more energy sustainable? How can the existing urban fabric be made smarter for the future?
Numerical techniques from optimisation and data analytics can help addressing some of the open questions and shaping the cities of the future.

This workshop intends to collect many different efforts made for developing a new understanding of their cities and systems, and how these interact more widely with regions, economies, communities, businesses and individuals. How cities can be used as living labs for real time feedback and data gathering, to see how the city responds to new systems, identify optimal solutions and uncover future possibilities.

Session Topics

NEO Cities is interested in receiving scientific contributions related to optimisation and data analytics methods or applications in city design, management and planning, including but not limited to

  • Optimisation for health outcomes and health systems
  • Optimisation for resilience in critical city systems (energy, communications, transport, water)
  • Optimisation for crime prediction and crime reduction
  • Prediction of change in cities
  • Living labs for city optimisation
  • Data and social mining
  • Data mining techniques for environmental monitoring
  • Big data for smart cities
  • Intelligent solutions for smart buildings
  • Decision making for intelligent urban planning

Call for Participation

Interested authors at the R2 (recognised researcher, PhD holders or equivalent), or  at the beginning of R3 level (established researcher), are invited to submit their contributions following the guidelines on the website.

NEO Cities 2016 website

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