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    Stardust-er Clemens Rumpf wins competition

    Stardust MC Fellow Clemens Rumpf has won the SGAC's Move an Asteroid Competition.

    Stardust are very proud to announce that our own Clemens Rump has won a prize to travel to Toronto and present his paper at the Space Generation Congress 2014 and the International Astronautical Congress 2014.

    You can read the annoncement here:
    SGAC competition winner - Clemens Rumpf

    The Near Earth Object Working Group is dedicated to helping the worldwide planetary defense community to meet one of nature's greatest challenges. The group provides a youth perspective to planetary defense through annual reports, competitions, conference attendance and public outreach projects related to Near Earth Objects. Using the SGAC's status as a member of Action Team 14 within UN COPUOS, the Group assists in the international efforts to bringing about a UN framework for addressing NEOs. Additionally, Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart is supporting us explore potential opportunities to work together with the Association of Space Explorers. The Working Group also sponsors the annual Move an Asteroid technical paper competition, and has recently produced a 30-minute documentary on Near Earth Objects, as well as hosted a one-day outreach event in Bucharest, Romania, in conjunction with the Planetary Defense Conference.

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